Managing Networks


如图是今天Tom老师给我们上课Managing Networks时分享的一张slide. 其中是好莱坞Top25位顶级明星之间的网络图. 每条线之间表示他们之间有的联系,或是曾经合作过,或是夫妻(Pitt & Jolie),或是朋友等. 每条线的粗细表示了两人之间的关系亲密程度,或许是因为互相合作过多部电影,或许是因为夫妻,或许是因为各种场合认识相熟等. 而每个人各自点的粗细表现了他们各自在这张社交网络中的向心心. 这或许是今天课堂最活跃和最好玩的事情。因为人人都有一颗八卦的心,看到明星之间的社交网络图,而我们正身处于好莱坞边上。

比较有趣的是Brad Pitt和Matt Damon的社交向心性最强,其次是Ben Stiller,和Meryl Streep( Damn, 只看电影图开心的后果就是人家很开心的在讨论这些明星,你妹的我很多都没听懂,我估计只认识几个最普遍的….). 而Nicolas Cage,Will Smith 和Johnny Depp几乎在这张社交网络的边缘地带,也就是他们其实是游离在喧嚣的社交网络之中(至少在这些top25个人里面)。而相信大多数人对这三位的大名都非常熟悉,似乎与他们游离在社交网络外有些意外.

不过这Top25的super star里谁最有影响力呢? 是不是就像这张图显示的这样,越走在社交中心越与各种人都很熟的越有影响力呢?同学们纷纷开始猜测。不过答案似乎有些出乎人的意料(至少与图示有很大的差别),看似游离与社交图谱外围的Will Smith与Johnny Depp分别位居影响力排行榜的第一第二位. ( P.S. 以上抓取的数据与分析的基数设定等都是Tom老师基于的一些参数设定,所得出的结果)。

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Marketing mini course



下课回到房间,左弄又弄的有些迷糊了,就又出门跑步了。哎,洛杉矶这么好的天气,不跑步真是太浪费了呀,现在这里八点太阳才完全落下。沿着学校老兵路一直跑到落日打到,然后再沿着落日打到跑到westwood 南下,大概跑了半个学校的距离吧,改天有空可以围绕整个学校跑一圈,估计得一个半小时样子了. 不过沿路风景不错,路上跑步的人也不少。关键这儿跑步不用担心吸入啥东东.

晚上回来再学校边上买了韩国餐馆的豆腐汤和米饭,花了我9.5 刀,真心有点小贵,不过味道还不错哦,热乎乎的豆腐汤,米饭超大量,都没吃完,留着明儿继续吃. 我估计以后买个电饭锅弄弄米饭还是挺不错的。随便买点蔬菜炒炒便好,否则还真心吃的不健康又贵呢~~~~(>_<)~~~~ .

今天晚上似乎又要挑灯夜读了。有个关于星巴克的case需要熟悉,明天上午大家要讨论并初步定出方案,周日的时候就要提交;有个personal presentation需要准备,下周一就要讲,要小准备一下; 还有Resume需要更改,maybe tomorrow; 还有下周的group presentation资料也要看,以及正式开学的professor已经让我们看材料了… lots of thing to do on the list…..


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Busy days begin


Daily class for IPO begins, I feel there are lots of reading material to read before class, even the IPO professor told us that it is only 1/3 or eve 1/5 of the whole study load we will have to face after September, when the fall quarter begins.

For the second day of IPO, there is a Ice breaker session in the morning. We play a game named Paper Launcher Machine. Every team received a bag of materials and an instruction to build a Paper Launcher Machine that could automatically throw the paper away, the farther, the better. It is an interesting competition, after all, I have not do such kind of handcrafted game for years and it really need some creativity. At first, our team even don’t know how to set up a machine and what’s the modle of the machine. Well, brainstorm together with teammembers under pressure always works. We finally chose an simple model that’s easy to build and launch paper. It works and we win the game. Sometimes you can not find a perfect solution for a problem, there is no enough time or no enough environment, find a solution that works best. Simple maybe is the best.


Yesterday afternoon, we just got a quick start about marketing and the professor gave us a brief introduction about what marketing is, 3C/4P and some concept like that. Well…there is also some reading task assigned to us, and we are required to finish the reading before tomorrow’s class. Maybe in the future, not far away, I will spend lots time reading all those English materials, it really consume time with my Chinese thinking style brain and my poor English.

Back to today, there is no class this morning, so I went to the Finacial Aid office to sign the Eli Lilly Loan.


This afternoon, the class is Speaking, Listening and Writing skill in English. I have to say that it’s more interesting and interactive than the marketing class, given that Professor Eleanor have more than 40 years teaching experience. It’s nature I think. The young professor just need time to improve. There is a five minutes group presentation after 15 minutes disussion about a topic on the give newpaper. I found myself still ve very nevers speaking while facing many people. I watched my speaking video back at home and I know there are lot’s place I can improve, and I think that’s why I am here. I am here to find the gap there I still have time and chance to improve and better prepare for my next several decades of my life and career.

Don’t be afraid, try your best and go Monster!

P.S. Sometimes, I wil feel that I am such a kind of backing to my middle school: A totally new environment and costly tution. The most important is A Chance to Change My life. And I think it will as my middle school change my life too.


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UCLA Anderson IPO First Day

IPO means International students Pre-Orientation



下午四点终于在Anderson D301 开始了本次IPO的 Opening. 见到参加本次IPO的二十多位来自不同国家的同学. 其实对于不同国家的实际情况是除了一位来自Brazil的同学外,其他所有的26位同学都是来自亚洲:China(11 including 2 from TW),Japan ( 4),South Korea(8), Thailand(3). 听说已经比以往几年的情况已经相对均衡了,去年中国学生只来了两位,主要都是日本的学生。不过亚洲学生参加IPO作为绝对主流也不足为奇,或许亚洲学生本来就更积极进取参加这类提前的培训活动,另一方面,亚洲学生在英语口语方面总体来说确实比欧美学生要有些距离,真的要完全应付新环境的挑战,并不是每个人都是信心满满,能够提前来参加学习和适应,也能够提前与不同的同学先认识建立革命友谊,也不失为一种不错的方式.

第一天就是简单的自我介绍,然后就是reception 吃东西聊天了。在吃饭闲聊的时候初步认识了不同的同学,虽然名字估计一时难以记住,有个别记住了。不过发现这样的break,边吃小吃边饮料or啤酒,站着轮换着和不同的同学瞎扯,互相介绍介绍,然后开开玩笑还挺不错的。毕竟都是亚洲的面孔,尤其日韩的和中国的文化根基的相似性更强,所以很容易大家便直接扯上了说说笑笑。第一天感觉下来还不错,挺开心的。不过已经有人知道我nickname Monster了,已经直接叫我Monster了,估计我的Monster又要开始在Anderson慢慢播开了. 不过今天查了下寿姓的仿西方姓氏原来和我之前猜的一样:Show.  Monster Show 酷毙了(^o^)/~. 不过俺滴口语真心需要提高了,俺自我介绍的时候有些紧张,说完坐下脸热汤热汤的…你妹的…我滴口语啊…不过在瞎扯的时候倒不是很有影响,我滴Monster Body language可以协助我沟通Winking smileOpen-mouthed smile

P.S. 今天晚上终于收到BOA的正式银行卡了,另外还有一份信说明BOA信用卡也已经approved。虽然额度只有900USD,不过应该也已经够我用用的啦!

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