

@UCLA Campus, took on the way to class this morning

Several days ago, I received my BOA credit card and check book from BOA after I opened the bank account there. I was very excited to receive my personal check book from the bank as this is maybe the first time in my whole life to receive my check book, which means I could write a check to someone else or to pay for shopping, is that sound cool for most people who may never see a check in their own country as they may be not a financial guy.

Well…that’s exactly just what I felt when I received the check book. So I just took a photo of my check book and posted on the Wechat ( a Chinese application similar to whatsapp or line). Just for a while, my friend on wechat sent me message to told me that it is dangerous to do that as people could use the information on the check book to pay their own bill……..only at that moment, I found that on the check book there are lots of personal information and also the bank information on it, just like, your name, address,rooting number, checking account number. But I still wondered if people could use the rooting number and checking account number to pay their own bill… that sound not whenever you write a check to other people, they will know the information, how could you make sure the information wouldn’t spread or you would never lose your check. If such dangerous, why in US, the bank still keep the check and people in U.S. still love to use checks.

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Start for New Journey

今天第一天On Board。在HR给New Hire做入职资料收集的会议室里,大概有十几个人今天on Board,当然大家都是奔着不同的部门而来。不再是培训生入职培训的那么详尽的介绍与各个部门的介绍与培训了,HR与Fecso在收集了大家的入职资料与各类文件后,只是简单的就入职的的注意事项以及年假,报销等方面做了及其简洁的介绍,大家便鸟兽散了。

下午领了新的电脑,申请了各种账号,信用卡等,便坐在会议室里不断的倒腾。或许由于之间接受过系统的入职培训,而IT外企大概的各种规章制度与申请流程也大同小异,因而即使HR基本没有如何的讲解各项事宜,也相对很淡定在会议室用刚生成的内部邮箱按照着需要申请的东西一封封的发邮件approval 和Forward,一点也不感到紧张与手忙脚乱。只是有些流程与账号申请并不是心急便可以搞定的,总归需要些时间。

一直来用惯了outlook,如今用Lotus Notes,估计要用好这个内部邮件与办公协同系统需要花点心思琢磨了,和outlook是基本上完全不相同的一套办公系统。




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